Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The first post

Hello everyone, I'm Currysan.  Hajimemashite, yoroshiku onegaishimasu! One of my favorite foods is Japanese curry and this is my blog devoted to everything about Japanese curry. I'm not really sure how this blog will evolve over time, but what I do know is that Japanese curry is delicious! Since this is the first post I figured I'd just answer the essential questions that are important to know when telling any story.

Who?  The intended audience for this blog is a little tricky. It's for anyone who loves Japanese curry - or any foodie really, but the main idea was for the people of Japan as they're probably the most interested in the subject.

What?  What is this? It's a blog where I will write about my love of Japanese curry. The idea is that this blog is to tell the Japanese about curry from the perspective of a gaijin who loves it.  I'll review curry as I try different ones and perhaps along this journey I'll learn why Japanese curry is not only the best of all curries but is one of the best foods in the entire world.

Where? It's located on the internet. If you're reading this you know where it is, but you should bookmark it and check back to learn all about the wonders of Japanese curry! Also tell your friends.

Why? This is a good question!  It all started with my love of Japanese curry which I first tried when I moved to California six and a half years ago.  I ended up marrying a Japanese woman which has nothing to do with my love of curry, but it definitely doesn't hurt! My wife's family (who all live in Japan) knows about my love of curry. In fact they've eaten a fair amount of curry with me and they always seem to be amused at how much I love it. They are so awesome that every now and then we get a package in the mail containing different curry to try! All Japanese people seem to really be amazed at how much I love curry since I'm a gaijin. One day one of my sisters-in-law suggested that I start a blog and write about Japanese curry because people in Japan would enjoy it. After some time I decided "why not?" and that is why this blog is getting started.  But you don't have to be Japanese to enjoy it, everyone should love Japanese curry!!!

When? I have no idea how often I'll update this site, but I'll try to update it as often as I can. I do like to eat a lot of curry so I'll write about it whenever I'm lucky enough to eat curry!

How? There will be two blogs. This one is the English version. I can barely speak Japanese and can't speak well enough to even try to discuss curry in person. My Japanese reading and writing is almost nonexistent - which is why I will write here in English. There will be a sister blog that my wife will be updating whenever I write a post. She will be providing a translation on a Japanese blog service. It is located HERE (Note: this does not exist yet ^_^ ).

Finally, since everything in Japan seems to have a mascot I decided that I too need one.  Please meet my mascot:  Curry-kun!  He's actually a curry pan.


  1. curry-kun is so cute and sooo Japanese!!!

  2. Mom's curry is the best!!! Yeah!!! I can never cook better than her:-P
